Enjoy watching Pastor’s previous teachings at New Life Chapel.
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NLC Services are streamed live weekly on FB and YouTube. Below is some of Pastor Bill’s past series. Click Here to view all New Life Chapel’s past Live Streams
Unexpected Grace: The Life of Ruth
When have you last heard a Sermon Series on the Book of Ruth? Pastor Bill Burnett breaks it down chapter by chapter and shows us how God has His fingerprints all over our lives, and knows what He is doing!
John the Baptist: A Man Sent by God
We know of John the Baptist, but how much do you know of the importance about God choosing him for his role? Join us as Pastor Bill navigates us though God’s choosing of John and his role in paving the way for Jesus Christ’s ministry.
God Is…
God is… everything! Pastor Bill Burnett in this series describes some of the different descriptions of who God is and what He does in our lives daily!
Moses: The Making of a Champion
We all know the story of Moses, or do we? Join Pastor Bill Burnett as he examines the life of Moses, what defines him as God’s champion, and how it applies to us in our christian walk today!
Come Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit? How does He apply to your life, faith, and help define who we are in Christ? Check out this series from Pastor Bill Burnett on how instrumental the Holy Spirit is in our walk with the Lord.
God Speaks
Have you ever heard a sermon series done in the Book of Amos?In what is a first for many, Pastor Bill Burnett brings a series on how God speaks to us today through the events in the Book of Amos.
Game Changing Scriptures
Pastor Bill Burnett’s series on how to shatter the strongholds in your life with some of the most key scriptures throughout the Bible.
Miracles of the Old Testament
Pastor Bill Burnett takes your through some of the biggest Miracles seen in the Old Testament and how it applies to us now in the 21st century.
Can You See Him?
Pastor Bill Burnett goes through a series pointing out the various ways we can open our eyes to better see the Lord.
Prayer Can Change Your Life
Pastor Bill Burnett teaches a series on how a life of prayer and how you do it can positively impact your life.
Not Afraid
In a time of pandemic, elections and uncertainty, Pastor Bill Burnett brings you a series of how to not be afraid of what the Lord has in store for your future.
A Better Tomorrow
What does God have in store for me in the future? What does the Bible say about His promises? Pastor Bill Burnett takes you through what your expectations can be and how you can look to the Lord for what’s to come.
How Sweet the Sound
Did you remember worship including classic Hymns like “Amazing Grace” or “How Great Thou Art”? Pastor Bill Burnett goes into the history of many of the Church’s popular hymns and why they continue to be special to this day.
When the Devil Knocks
Does it seem like sometimes the devil is singling you out and personally going out of his way to keep you from God? Does everything seem to be bad all the time and you don’t know where else you can go? Pastor Bill Burnett brings this series on how to recognize the spiritual warfare over your life and how to let God fight that battle for you!