NLC Food Ministry to Help Those in Need
On the second Saturday of every month, New Life Chapel in partnership with the Victor Valley Rescue Mission, gives away groceries to the families in need here in our local community. Upon arrival, you will receive a bag of groceries, and we will pray with you about any needs you or your family may have.
Qualifications and Pre-Registration
This is open to all High Desert residents. In order to receive a bag of groceries, you must pre-register in our church office with Rosie. You can register Monday through Wednesday from 9am- 10am in the weeks prior to that second Saturday of the month. We require a valid state-issued ID showing residency at the time of registration. If your ID is not current, you can bring in a utility bill showing that you are a resident of the High Desert.
Our Next Date for Pickup:
March 8th, 2024
We do drive-through pickup on NLC’s SW Campus. Line up, staying in your car, on 8th Street.
Pick-up is from 9 am - 10 am.
Partner of New Life Chapel Food Ministry